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Buildforge Autobuild sample

Jean-Bernard Curmi (14162) | asked May 25 '07, 9:46 a.m.
I'm trying to use Buildforge with Jazz, I have no problem to run the
WriteToJazz sample, but I am unable to run the AutoBuild sample.

When I try to start it I get the following error message :

markResultStarted.xml:26: Ant task attribute "requestUUID" contains
illegal value "${requestUUID}".

Did I miss something ?


5 answers

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered May 25 '07, 1:20 p.m.
Hi Jean-Bernard,

The message you are seeing indicates that the poller (the BuildForge
adaptor) did not find a request in the queue.

Is there a request pending in the repository? That is, did you request
an AutoBuild build through the Jazz UI before running the AutoBuild sample?


Jean-Bernard Curmi wrote:
I'm trying to use Buildforge with Jazz, I have no problem to run the
WriteToJazz sample, but I am unable to run the AutoBuild sample.

When I try to start it I get the following error message :

markResultStarted.xml:26: Ant task attribute "requestUUID" contains
illegal value "${requestUUID}".

Did I miss something ?


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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered May 25 '07, 8:21 p.m.
Hi Jean-Bernard,

Is there a file called request_AutoBuild_xxx.txt in the Path directory
of your BuildForge server? If so, what is in that file?

It should have a line like this:

If there is no such file, it may mean something has gone wrong with the
adaptor. Confirm that the Adaptor Link is set up according to the
README.txt and turn on debug mode for adaptors (System->Link Debug Mode
= Yes). That should give us some information on why the requestUUID is
not set


Jean-Bernard Curmi wrote:
I'm trying to use Buildforge with Jazz, I have no problem to run the
WriteToJazz sample, but I am unable to run the AutoBuild sample.

When I try to start it I get the following error message :

markResultStarted.xml:26: Ant task attribute "requestUUID" contains
illegal value "${requestUUID}".

Did I miss something ?


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Jean-Bernard Curmi (14162) | answered May 29 '07, 9:44 a.m.
Hi Martha,

I had no request_AutoBuild_xxx.txt and every thing was working as if
there was no link to JazzPollerAdaptor in the AutoBuild project.

I have updated my Buildforge Management Console with the fix
and now everything is working. thanks again.


Hi Jean-Bernard,

Is there a file called request_AutoBuild_xxx.txt in the Path directory
of your BuildForge server? If so, what is in that file?

It should have a line like this:

If there is no such file, it may mean something has gone wrong with the
adaptor. Confirm that the Adaptor Link is set up according to the
README.txt and turn on debug mode for adaptors (System->Link Debug Mode
= Yes). That should give us some information on why the requestUUID is
not set


Jean-Bernard Curmi wrote:
I'm trying to use Buildforge with Jazz, I have no problem to run the
WriteToJazz sample, but I am unable to run the AutoBuild sample.

When I try to start it I get the following error message :

markResultStarted.xml:26: Ant task attribute "requestUUID" contains
illegal value "${requestUUID}".

Did I miss something ?


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Jan Van de Poel (2413216) | answered Aug 01 '08, 6:14 a.m.
Is there somewhere I can find information on how to use Buildforge with RTC?

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Ryan Manwiller (1.3k1) | answered Aug 05 '08, 10:16 a.m.
As far as I know, no information has been published regarding the use of
Build Forge and RTC.

While there may be better integration in future releases, for now you could
invoke the RTC buildtoolkit ant tasks within Build Forge steps, in order to
progress monitor and publish Build Forge build information in RTC.

The example usage of ant tasks here may be helpful:

Ryan Manwiller
Jazz Team

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